I am from England and have been teaching in Thailand for nearly 10 years. I have a PGCEi from the University of Sunderland and completed my QTS with the University of Sheffield, where I was awarded a grade of 1—exceeding expectations. Thailand feels like home, and I plan on staying here for the foreseeable future.
I strive to create fun, engaging, and rewarding lessons for all of my students, no matter their ability. I make sure that my students feel welcome, safe, and valued in my classroom. I have a passion for collaborative learning, projects, group work, and table buddies to foster a sense of community within my classroom.
The most rewarding thing about teaching is seeing the progress and growth in my students. I love guiding them through their mistakes and misconceptions until they reach that ‘Ohhh’ or ‘I’ve got it!’ moment. Watching students grow both academically and personally is a joy to witness, and I feel honored to be a part of that journey with them. My favorite thing about FSB is the sense of community, we are all one big family on the journey of education together.
My approach in the classroom is relatively simple: teach all instead of teaching some. From day one, I set the expectation that I want to see everyone’s answers, whether they are correct or incorrect, because there are no wrong answers—only learning opportunities. I need to see what you’ve done so that I can help you or challenge you. I love celebrating students’ wins, no matter how big or small.
The most important thing I would like to see this year is growth, whether that is personally, academically or even both! That is huge win as a teacher. I aim for my students to become independent both inside and outside the classroom as well as critical thinkers. I hope my students will become even more confident in themselves